Monday, February 21, 2011


I know, I know. Yet again I've let a month slip by between blog posts. I am a terrible person, I have no time management skills, yaddah yaddah yaddah. The only excuse I have - miserable as it is - is that I am completely submerged with schoolwork. I thought last semester was hard? Ha! Last semester was a picnic in a meadow with Colin Firth feeding me Lindor bunny chocolates and a lute-player (lutist? Llllll...autist?) serenading me in the background.
This semester has upped its game significantly, and I'm finding myself being pushed to the limit in every subject. I'm still striving, still pushing ahead with faith and perseverance, but it's getting harder and harder. What's more, I am horrendously sick. I can't move my neck, can't swallow, and every bone in my body feels like it'll shatter if I move. Also, my nose seems to have become some kind of waterworks display, and I am helpless to stop it. But unfortunately, I have to go to school tomorrow, because I just can't afford to get behind. I have both academic and extra-curricular commitments, and I know I sound like a self-important snob (which, let's face it, I am) but I just can't drop all that to stay home sick!
On the plus side, I've just finished a wonderful book called 'A Tiny Bit Marvelous' which I recommend to anyone looking for a light read to cheer them up. I've also been reading a book for my Literature class (obviously, more serious than 'A Tiny Bit Marvelous') called 'My Name is Red,' which is a thoughtful and interesting novel about art and religion. Lengthy, but I'm enjoying it.
Also! I am hoping to start up my SECRET PROJECT soon, if all goes well. My life's a little bit super insane at the moment, but hopefully it'll be ready to go by March. See you then!