Friday, July 22, 2011

Let's Try This Again

I've tried to put up a new post a couple of times in the past few weeks. My computer, apparently, does not want me to return to my blog. It's crashed more times than Charlie Sheen at his height, and refused to save my work in the process. But I am persistent, you hot mess of a computer, and I refuse to back down! You hear me? I refuse! I will prevail, for the sake of my blog, and for the sake of the powerful, awe-inspiring, enduring egocentricity of mankind which makes ranting, inane blogs necessary! *cue grand swelling of music as I wave a Viking sword around and come over a mountaintop on horseback*
Anyhow. Last couple of posts I had planned were about some interesting things. Well, interesting in an obviously nerdy kind of way. Harry Potter, books I'm reading, stuff like that. But honestly? After my computer screwing me over so many *&Y@$ing times, I'm really not in the mood anymore. I just want to get this finished and on the internet, before my computer can eat it up again. Nom nom nom.
So, I have decided to just write about what's on my mind, and what's on my mind is the latest book I've been writing. It's still pretty nebulous in its actual form, but here are some of the things I've been thinking about that have contributed to the initial premise of the book (most to all of the ideas are subject to change and/or complete deletion from the final work - if it ever gets to 'final work'):
- the way people see other people, and specifically the way people misrepresent other people to themselves
- colour, and not just in the literal sense
- the importance of interpersonal interactions (I understand this is a bit amusing to write about on an online blog, but oh well. Interpersonal interactions are important, whether we like it or not)
- why people hate dentists so much
Yep, that's pretty much it so far. I realize there's approximately three people (including my mom) who find this interesting or relevant, but as I've said before - this blog is not for you, people of the intramanets. It's for me. And - I hope I'm not jinxing myself here - I think I just managed to complete an entire post without my computer crashing, which helps me a heck of a lot.
'Til next time!
Yours truly,

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