Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Update

I've been very busy with school lately, so I haven't had time to write much of anything lately, let alone anything in my blog. It's sad but true; polarity, electron affinity, Poe, Latin derivatives and a whole bunch of other very smart-sounding information has replaced my blog in the last two weeks.
Today, however, something miraculous has happened. I have showered, cleaned my face, done my homework and worked out for an hour and I STILL HAVE half an hour left over in which I can just...sit!
It's a pretty weird feeling already, and the summer ended less than a month ago.
Anyways. I knew I'd been neglecting my blog, and for the sake of keeping up some sort of writing regime (because, who are we kidding, English class does little in the way of teaching people how to write - senior year of high school and people are still confusing "your" and "you're") I have decided to write in here ONCE MORE. The only problem is that aside from posting poorly written, meandering poems about butterflies, I don't have much to say. I guess I'll just summarize my school year so far, for the sake of having everything that's going on with me organized in my mind:
Firstly, I have four classes this semester: Latin (III), Chemistry, English and Biology. I'm interested in all those subjects, and so far they're all going well. I like some teachers better than others, but nothing too horrible has happened yet. Trust me; you will know when something horrible happens.
Secondly, I am currently juggling five extra-curriculars (soon to be six, HOPEFULLY seven) and I have made a promise to myself that I will NOT join any more extra-curriculars this year, so as not to overwork myself. Although, damn, those school newspaper sign-up sheets do look tempting.
Thirdly, it has become too dark and wildly erratic, weather-wise, to run consistently. For this reason I am going to be swimming several times a week so that I can hopefully get that freaking arrow to go to the left on the scale.
Fourthly, I am sporadically but surely continuing to write my novel (which shall henceforth be referred to as That Novel I'm Writing, or TNIW) and I am going to put aside a solid chunk of time this weekend to just write - to put down all my ideas and hope that some of them stick.
Finally, I think it is a testament to my dedication to language and the written word that right now, when I could be sleeping, I am writing this post. I am DELAYING SLEEP because I want to keep up a regular writing schedule. Do you know how big a deal that is for me? Anyhow. I think that this proves how ridiculously committed I am to this silly writing thing. So in summary, be happy this post even exists! It takes a very determined brain to work when it is this tired.
And now, I'm off to catch some shut-eye. See y'all.

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