Monday, October 11, 2010

Valentino Wonders

Hello again, blog. Haven't seen you in a while. Why haven't I seen you for so long? Good question. Well, it seems that my teachers have taken it upon themselves to cleverly plan all their major tests so that I have a test and/or quiz EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR OVER A WEEK. The teachers, I think, find this VERY FUNNY. I can just see them now, eating doughnut holes and laughing in their secret faculty lounge, watching footage of me breathing into a paper bag outside the school building. They find my misery AMUSING.
But, alas, there is nothing the teachers can do to stop Thanksgiving from rolling around. Every year it comes, and all the children reflect upon the blessings that have been bestowed upon them, and on the wonderful family that they love, and - aw, screw it. We love having Mondays off. Unfortunately, as a kind of f-u to the day off we've been given, some of my teachers like to give us tests on the TUESDAY WE RETURN, so that we are forced to study during our holiday. Despite this nasty little trick of my teachers', I've managed to have an excellent long weekend.
Firstly, I spent the entire weekend in Toronto, which is both one hour and an eternity away from the suburbs in which I live. I wore nice dresses and went out to the movies, saw pretty things in nice stores, and ate out - a lot. My dad doesn't see me very often, and I guess he just wanted to make our Thanksgiving together special. Well, it was. But not for the heartwarmingly mushy reasons that it should have been, I'm afraid. No, this weekend, I saw something the likes of which I have never seen. I have never fallen more completely in love with anything before in my life.
I walked into David's, the most ridiculously expensive shoe store in Toronto, and came upon these shoes: Now, I would've been more than happy to give up a limb for these things, but the fancy store manager probably wouldn't have had much use for a detached arm. Other than that, the only way I could have obtained those perfect pumps would have been by buying them. But, oh shoot. I forgot my $905 (tax not included) that I usually spend on shoes in my OTHER PURSE.
Anyways, since I don't own a chain of fast-food restaurants, the only thing I could do with the Valentino wonders was try them (even that was hard to do - I was afraid they might crumble at my clumsy, cheap touch) on and stare adoringly. When we left the store, my father told me that if I studied really hard and became a lawyer, I could go back there someday and buy those shoes. And that's when I asked myself: would I ever give up my passion, the thing that, for me, validates existence, that gives me hope and makes me happy...for shoes, however amazing?
Not even if you paid me $905 plus tax.

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