Friday, October 22, 2010


Hello all.
I don't have much time to write tonight, and yes, I realize I haven't been very consistent with my blogging, but I have been very busy! Still, I am trying to be more punctual with post updates by blogging more FREQUENTLY, even if the posts are OF THE MINI SIZE.
So, I've had a bit of a trying week. My schoolwork has gotten very hard, very fast. In some ways, I relish it (we are learning about verb structure in Latin, which, as a dork, I find very exciting. Also, I am tickled pink about our poetry unit in English - can you believe that for five years, my school's senior english teachers have not felt it necessary to have a poetry unit? Shame.) But then again, I am also an adolescent, and straining my brain goes against my natural impulses, so the mind-bending formulae we are learning in my Chemistry class have me hyperventilating in anticipation for the test. Formulae: i iz doin' dem wrong.
And I realize that schoolwork is not an excuse for not blogging, but there you have it. That is the best I've got. A few exciting things have happened since I last updated, though. (Well, exciting for me. You may find them utterly inconsequential, but I hope I can make it a little bit interesting for you). The most important thing is that I have recently been accepted as a volunteer for my community's humane society! This is very exciting for two reasons: one, I love animals and have been rejected as a volunteer from every other pet clinic/rescuce/store in the region, so this ACCEPTANCE is very new and thrilling for me. Secondly, having experience working with animals is something that will become very important for me if I pursue becoming a veterinarian (which I think I will).
The second important thing, which happened just a few hours ago, was that I read a blog post by the endlessly fabulous Libba Bray, a Young Adult author whose blog breathes life back into the blogosphere. I intend to write a more full reply to it when I get the chance, but for now, I'll just post the link for those of you who might be interested in checking it out. It'll be worth your while, trust me, especially if you are a soon-to-be or recent high school graduate.
So, without further ado, here is the link! :
See you soon!

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