Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ongoing Goals for the New Year

Ah, hello friends. *waves hand shyly* Haven't seen you all in a while...
All right, now I know I haven't written in here for...WOW, geez...a long time, but today is the first day of a new year! It's 2011, people, and while I believe that New Year's resolutions are terrible things which set you up for failure, I do have some ONGOING GOALS which I'd like to accomplish in the new year. The first, of course, is that I write more often in my blog. Even if no one ever reads it, I think it's important for me to establish some kind of consistent writing schedule. One can't spend all their writing time on school work; I mean, there's only so much I can say about sinoatrial nodes, hydrocarbons, and imagist philosophy before I lose my mind. I need to keep my sanity and make time for FREE WRITING on my blog. I really do think that's important (translation: if you haven't written in your blog for a while either, you should probably take my goal into consideration. Just a thought ;)).
Of course, that is not the only ongoing goal I have for 2011. I would also like to:
1. Lose twenty pounds (pounds as in fat, not British money)
2. Read Walden
3. Finish the school year with a 95% average (I'm pretty sure this is an exclusively Canadian way of grading, so, to clarify, a 95% is an A+)
4. Finish TNIW (If you're confused, just read "An Update", my second blog post)
5. Complete a SECRET PROJECT (so secret that even the blogosphere *gasp* - yes, even YOU! - cannot know about it)
6. Start and hopefully complete driving lessons
So, those are my ongoing goals for the New Year. I may or may not update you on how I'm progressing with them, depending on whether or not I actually make any headway. If you don't hear any more mention of my ongoing goals, I've probably forgotten or failed miserably at them. Of course, that's not to say that I WILL. Hmm, maybe a positive attitude would help in actually achieving my goals this year. I should probably add that to the list...
7. Be more POSITIVE!
Well, that's it, that's all. Those are my goals. And what are yours? Please feel free to share, all the best 'til next time, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  1. I'm writing a novel too! Mine is about anorexia and cancer. I actually cried WHILE I WAS WRITING! How pathetic, eh? My resolution is to finish my book an stop being snappy! Happy New Year,Iris! :D

  2. You're writing a book about cancer? Hmm, that sounds familiar. My sister's also writing a book about cancer. Coincidence?
