Friday, January 7, 2011

Zombies, Unicorns and Snowy Days

Hello, all!
You see, I am capable of being regular with my blog if I put my mind to it! It's only been about a week since my last update; I'd say that's pretty commendable. *mini happy dance*
All right, so I just finished my first week back to school, and it was unpleasant to say the least. Everyone was distraught over having lost their Christmas break, which evaporated into the air like so much grey smoke. This caused people (*coughcough* me *coughcough*) to be very irritable and snappy. Combined with having to wake up at 6:30 again (shudder), I got braces on this week. And no matter what any orthodontics veterans may tell me, they are painful. They feel awkward in my mouth, they make my teeth feel sore, I can't bite into, well, anything, and I feel uglier than a naked mole rat with them on. So that has played a number on my mood. Also, exams are creeping on us faster than ever, and I feel thoroughly unprepared.
HOWEVER. I know that in my last post I made an ongoing goal to be more positive, so I will try - at least in my blog - to do this. Now, since I don't have the ability to actually convince myself that anything is going positively right now, I will opt for the easier solution - complete and total unacknowledgment of anything negative, accomplished through a powerful dose of self-denial.
So! On that note, I will write about the NICE and HAPPY things that surround me right now, starting with my recent used book purchases. While I said that I wanted to read Walden in the new year, I've been sidetracked by a couple of other books: Don Quixote, The Marvelous Land of Oz and the book I'm reading right now. It is called Zombies vs. Unicorns.
Zombies vs. Unicorns is an anthology spawned by a group of young authors who started an internet meme which asked which was better: the zombie or the unicorn. Many authors were very strongly on one side or another, and they recently came together to write short stories arguing their side. I am Team Zombie, for those of you who are wondering. However, I'm able to stomach the unicorn stories, of which my favourite so far is Diana Peterfreund's "The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn" (the fact that it's a killer unicorn really ups the interest for me). My favourite zombie story is, by far, Maureen Johnson's "The Children of the Revolution," which is horrifyingly creepy, but amazing.
And more news in the area of positivity: snowy days are finally here! I am not a particular fan of snow; I don't like to shovel, I don't like wet socks and I don't like big bulging jackets that make me look like the Michelin Man. However, as the weather in Canada becomes milder and milder, I have realized that I am seeing global warming occur before my eyes. It's worrying, to say the very least, and when a snowy day the likes of which I am used to finally arrives, I have a moment of relief. The soft, white fluff covering the quiet streets this morning seemed to me a promise of hope: all is not lost. This is reversible, and redemption is possible. Our legacy does not have to be that of a violent civilization whose greed ultimately consumed it. We can be more than that, and I am determined to help my generation become more than that. Because really: without snowy days, how are we supposed to justify drinking three mugs of hot chocolate?
Until next time.

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